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Keep in touch. Let us know where your
MLS degree has taken your career!

Jeff Bozeman

Jeff Bozeman, MLS

Pensacola, FL
MLS 2016
Court Program Specialist II
State of Florida 1st Judicial Court

“Legal Studies is an exceptional program with professors and staff that truly care for their students, They want you to succeed and you will – if you use the resources available to you.”

Melissa Martin

Melissa Martin, MLS, RHIA, CCS, CHTS-IM

Morgantown, WV
MSL 2017
Assistant Vice President
WVU Medicine Privacy & Health 
Information Management

“The MLS program has allowed me to advance to the executive level. Advancing our mission, understanding Certificate  of Need guidelines, and managing contracts are topics relevant to my job and covered in the MLS curriculum.”